
Creative Winter Polar Bear Writing 

You wake up one morning to a scratching sound at your door.  Not sure what to expect, you open it very slowly and you spot a newborn baby polar bear.  Write a creative and interesting story telling about what you do with your new creature.  Do you keep it?  Do you train it as a pet?  Do you return it to the wild?   Do you bring it to the vet or SPCA?  Remember to write a BOLD beginning, MARVELOUS middle and an EXCITING ending!

Trapped in a Snow Globe

Ideas adapted from and pictures take from : https://jenniferfindley.com/winter-activities-for-upper-elementary/

Snowman Writing:  What Happens When Your Snowman Comes to Life?

Creative Snow Writing

It starts out as any regular Saturday morning.  You get up, brush your teeth, get dressed and pull open the curtains to look outside. All you see is a sheet of white.  Feeling confused, you run to open the front door and when you do, a mound of snow falls in from outside at your feet.  You cannot believe your eyes, your house is completely surrounded by 6 metres of snow! 

snow wrtiting sample.docx

Think of all the special people in your life.  Choose one and write about why they are special to you.  What makes them important?  Tell at least three interesting reasons why they are important. 

There are so many amazing people in my life, but I would like to write about one: my aunt Helen. My aunt is special to me because she cooks my supper at least once a week and brings it to me so I do not have to cook.  This gives me a little break from preparing meals for my family.  Aunt Helen lives in Clarke's Beach.  We visit each other every Sunday and enjoy an afternoon of baking.  She teaches me a new cookie or cake recipe every week.  I love her chocolate chip cookies!  Finally, my aunt Helen is always there to lend a hand when I am in need.  She helps me do things around my house like decorating for Fall and she also helps me keep the outside of my house neat and tidy.  Last weekend, my aunt and I raked up two bags of fall leaves for the compost.  I am very fortunate to have a large and loving family.  I could write about any of the members in my family, but I chose Aunt Helen.

My Favourite Place

I love my bedroom, my trailer, my childhood living room and my classroom, and my special reading room. My reading room is a small room in the basement of my house.  And it has four white walls and no windows.  And I have a large chair placed in the corner of the room.  And I play music while I read.  And I used to read regular books, so I have a high shelf full of my favourite books.  And it gets very warm in the summer, so I also have a tall white fan that I love to turn on year round.  

My Favourite Place

I have so many places that I love to visit. I love my bedroom, my trailer, my childhood living room and my classroom, but I have one place that is EXTRA special to me.  Today I would like to tell you about my special reading room. My reading room is a small room in the basement of my house.  It has four creamy, white walls and no windows.  I have a large pink furry chair placed in the corner of the room.  I play soft, instrumental music while I read, so I have two speakers placed on a shelf.  I used to read regular books, so I have a high, brown shelf full of my favourite books.  Now, all the books I read are on an e-reader.  I keep my e-reader on the shelf with the books.  It gets very warm in the summer, so I also have a tall white fan that I love to turn on year round.  When I am relaxing in my reading room, I get a little peace and quiet away from everyone.  Teddy Bear, my two year old dog, is the only one able to come in and relax with me.  Therefore I have a sign that says “Do Not Disturb” hanging on my door. Having a unique place to go and be alone can be special no matter how old you are.