Winter Writing

Winter Mitten Writing

#1 Would you like to hear about my mitten?  The top of the mitten is red. The centre of the mitten has a snowflake.  The thumb of the mitten is colorful.  I love my special mitten.

#2 Would you like to hear about my mitten?  The very top of the mitten is dark red. The centre of the mitten has a snowflake.  It is a winter mitten and I thought a big snowflake would stand out.  I have five hearts placed along the bottom. The thumb of the mitten and the cuff of the mitten is multicoloured.  I love my special mitten. 

#3 Would you like to hear about my very special mitten?  The very top of the mitten is dark red. This red top has a special layer of wool to keep your fingers warm. The centre of the mitten has a gigantic blue snowflake.  It is a winter mitten and I thought a big snowflake would stand out.  The winter snowflake glows bright blue when it is dark.  I have five beautiful red hearts with green tiny hearts placed along the bottom. The hearts make a lovely design and remind me of Valentine's Day. The thumb of the mitten and the cuff of the mitten is multicoloured.  I used beautiful colors to make the mitten stand out.  If I ever misplace my mitten or drop it in the snow, it is very easy to find it.  I love my unique, special, and colourful mitten.  It keeps me warm in the winter and it is quite original.

Winter Hat Writing

Gingerbread House Writing

Snowman Magic Writing

Bold beginning

It was the day after the biggest snowstorm that I have ever seen in Newfoundland.  When I looked outside all I could see was a brilliant sheet of white.  I quickly got dressed into my warm winter clothes and went outside.  I couldn’t wait to get ready for an exciting day of snowman building!

Marvelous Middle

Outside the air was crisp and cold.  I started to roll the bottom ball of the snowman.  When it got too heavy to roll anymore, I made a medium and then a small ball.  I stacked the snowballs on top of each other and then looked around for some rocks for eyes and a mouth.  I took my hat and scarf off and placed on his head.  Luckily, I came prepared so I pulled a long carrot out of my pocket.  When I placed it in the place where a nose usually goes the most amazing thing happened.  He came alive!  Suddenly he let out a loud laugh.  He ran towards the house and grabbed a slide.  He started to head up the hill behind my house and quickly slid down the snow-covered hill.  He waved for me to come along with him.  Together we played all afternoon. 

Excellent Ending

A few hours later, I heard my father call out that my supper was ready.  I waved goodbye to my snowman and hoped I would get to play with him again soon.  As I walked into the house I looked back to where my new friend was standing and he was gone!  There were no marks or tracks where we were sliding, and no balls of snow. The bright carrot was the only thing left in the snow. 

Creative Winter Polar Bear Writing:  You wake up one morning to a scratching sound at your door.  Not sure what to expect, you open it very slowly and you spot a newborn baby polar bear.  Write a creative and interesting story, telling about what you do with your new creature.  Do you keep it?  Do you train it as a pet?  Do you return it to the wild?   Do you bring it to the vet or SPCA?  Remember to write a BOLD beginning, a MARVELOUS middle, and an EXCITING ending!


It started out as a regular Saturday morning.  I got up, went out to my living room, and turned on the T.V.  As I settled in to watch some cartoons, I heard a scratching sound come from the front door.  My dog started to bark so I knew someone was in the area.  I ran to the porch, opened the door, and what I saw amazed me!


A tiny white fur ball was shivering at my door.  He looked up at me and I knew he would be the newest and most perfect pet for me.  I picked him up and soon discovered that this baby polar bear had very sharp claws.  I had to be very careful handling him and I knew I would have to start training him while he was still a baby.  I got blueberries and canned salmon from the kitchen and rewarded him every time he listened.  I taught him to sit and stay after just a few days.  I got my dog's crate and filled it with blankets.  He liked to sleep there at night.  Everyone loved our new baby bear and we had visitors from far and wide come to see him each day.


Finally, after three short months, he became too large to keep in the house. We also had a hard time feeding him enough fish and berries.  I called the animal hospital and they came and took him.  They told me that he would be shipped to a zoo in Ontario where he would be cared for and loved by a large team of workers.  It was sad saying good-bye, but we knew there was no other choice.  I will always remember that most unusual and special pet.

Fall Paragraph Writing.docx

Winter Penguin Descriptive Writing